Friday, October 1, 2010

1st Annual District 12 4-H Shooting Sports Postal League

NEW! District 12 4-H Shooting Sports Postal League

The District 12 4-H Shooting Sports Committee is pleased to announce its 1st Annual 4-H Shooting Sports Postal League. In an effort to provide additional opportunities for 4-H members across South District 12, this new event will allow both smallbore rifle and archery enthusiasts the opportunity to engage in a new competition. By nature of this event being a postal league, it will take place locally with scores mailed and submitted by the due date. Participants will register online, shoot the specified match within the specified timeline, and submit scores.

Awards will be provided for each discipline and presented during the District 12 4-H Rifle Match scheduled for May 14, 2010 in Duval County. Awards for rifle will include team awards, individual high-point, and a special county award. Awards for archery will include individual awards and a county award. Rules for these events will follow Texas 4-H 3-Position Rifle Rules and Texas 4-H Archery Rules as well as the guidelines provided online in support of this postal league event.

Registration for these events will take place on 4-H Connect by selecting the “D12 4-H Shooting Sports Postal League” event. The registration period will begin October 1st and conclude on December 15th. Registration and fee information is also provided online for your reference. Only registered adult volunteers can complete online registration.

An announcement flyer is also available to assist you in marketing this opportunity locally and among other 4-H shooting sports members across the district. If you should have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the District Office at 956-968-5581 or via email at Good luck and happy shooting!